01692 404114 info@nwtc.org.uk
Town Clock

Town Clock

In our 21st century digital age, it is an interesting tradition that our town clock remains a hand wound machine. Twice each week our grounds staff climb into the roof of the Market Cross and wind the clock, which was donated to the town in 1899 funded by the North...
Memorial Park Play Area

Memorial Park Play Area

Following a very productive meeting between members of North Walsham Town Council and North Walsham Play, work on the new play park within the Memorial Park commences on Monday 3rd September 2018. The new park will replace the small park fenced in close to the...
Traffic Disruptions

Traffic Disruptions

WALCOTT NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Order affecting the B1159 Coast Road from its junction with The Crescent for a distance of 200 metres northwards in the PARISH OF WALCOTT because of works to replace four manhole frames and covers....