The Post Office will be closing for refurbishment from 6th Jan for 3 weeks, re-opening on the 29th Jan. The plan is to open a temporary mobile Post Office outside Kelly’s Plaice and the Vodafone shop for half a day each Friday while this is happening.
North Walsham Town Council have strongly objected to this as they do not feel that half a day a week allows sufficient time for all the residents to be able complete their usual business, restricts access to the facilities and will invariably mean that customers are asked to queue outside, regardless of the weather.
The Mayor, Cllr Bull has written to the Post Office expressing the councils dismay at the proposal and requesting that it is re submitted with access to counter service provided on 5 half days per week. Cllr Heinrich and Cllr Seaward from District Council, have also written, expressing their concerns.
We will keep you informed of further developments.
Letter from Mayor