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Cemeteries & Allotments


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Chapel Cemetery – Under Maintenance

North Cemetery – Under Maintenance

Garden of Remembrance – Under Maintenance

South Cemetery – Under Maintenance

Chapel Cemetery

Mundesley Rd, North Walsham NR28 0DB

Purchased from R C Lacey on 27 August 1856 – Size 2 acres/2 rods

Chapel Cemetery picture 1
Mundesley Road Cemetery, North Walsham.

Chapel Cemetery picture 2

Mundesley Road Cemetery, North Walsham.

Abstract of Title 8.10.1762

Abstract of title 8.10.1762 for Mundesley Road Cemetery, North Walsham.

Covenant 27.8.1856

Covenant 27.8.1856 for Mundesley Road Cemetery, North Walsham.

Conveyance 27.8.1856

Conveyance 27.8.1856 for Mundesley Road Cemetery, North Walsham.

North/South Cemetery

Bacton Rd, North Walsham NR28 9DS

Purchased from the Reverend R Tucker 6 August 1896 – Size 4 acres/3 rods/15 perches
Purchased from Edward Green 5 November 1902 – Size 26x150ft and 8ft x189ft

North/South Cemetery picture 1

North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.

North/South Cemetery picture 2

North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.

Abstract of title 7.5.1761

Abstract of title 7.5.1761 for North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.
R Tucker Agreement
R Tucker Agreement 24.6.1896 for North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.
R Tucker Enfranchisement
R Tucker Deed 30.7.1896 for North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.
R Tucker Conveyance
R Tucker Conveyance 6.8.1896 for North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.
E Green Agreement
E Green Agreement 20.9.1901 for North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.
E Green Enfranchisement
E Green Deed 15.5.1902 for North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.
E Green Conveyance
E Green Conveyance 5.11.1902 for North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham.

St Nicholas Churchyard (closed)

Market Place, North Walsham NR28 9BT

North Walsham Churchyard was closed as a burial ground in 1856 when the Chapel Cemetery first came into use

St Nicholas Churchyard, North Walsham

The Church was built between 1330-1390 and is the oldest building in the Town. It was built with a length of 205ft, a width of 72ft and with a magnificent tower of 180ft. The tower collapsed on 16.5.1774 the day after the Ascensiontide fair and several hours of bell ringing. It collapsed again on 17.2.1836 due to heavy gales which sent a quake like tremor through the Town. The tower now remains at just 85ft.

The Paston Way Walk begins at the Churchyard, and is 22 miles long finishing in Cromer


Cemetery Temporary Garden Plots x10

North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham 9DS

Purchased from 48 Bacton Rd on 7 February 1997
Size 0.73 acres

Allotments at North/South Cemetery, Bacton Road, North Walsham 9DS

War Memorial Park Allotments x6

New Rd, North Walsham NR28 9DE

Land transferred back to North Walsham Town Council from North Norfolk District Council on 19 November 2003, and created for use as 6x garden plots on 1 October 2009