In accordance with the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, the Norfolk County Council HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that owing to the likelihood of danger arising to the public due to Covid-19 and the need to undertake social distancing measures, considers it is necessary and expedient to introduce the following measures and restrictions and that these measures and restrictions should come into effect without delay in the C557 Market Place from its junction with C561 Kings Arms Street to its junction with C557 Church Street in the TOWN OF NORTH WALSHAM:–
(i) All vehicles are temporarily prohibited from entering (except for access) or parking in the length of road; and
(ii) All vehicles are temporarily prohibited from waiting, loading or unloading in the length of road between 10:00 and 16:00 hours;
Alternative route is via Kings Arms Street, Grammar School Road, Yarmouth Road.
The existing Traffic Orders relating to parking in these locations will be temporarily suspended to facilitate this prohibition whilst the need for the measures exists.
The temporary traffic management measures will be in place for 21 days during the period 6th July and 26th July 2020, when signs are in place. Due to the unknown period the restrictions may be required, these measures will be continued with a Temporary Traffic Order to be in place for up to 18 months.
If a vehicle (other than an emergency vehicle on emergency business) is left in contravention of any waiting restriction provisions imposed by this Notice a penalty charge shall be payable.